SAAREMAA - The geographical midpoint of Europe

Why invest in Saare County?

  • Strategic location in the Baltic Sea - good logistic opprtunities for air and sea transport
  • Reliable - the islanders are well known as a hard-working and trustworthy people, a productive labour force with competitive costs
  • Flexible and skilled labour force - local training centres and educational institutions are cooperative
  • Environment - green, cosy and safe for both business and living
  • Attractive and strong community - high entrepreneurial activity, support from municipalities
  • Top knowledge in small craft sector - the competence centre opened in 2014 offers a variety of design, pilot production of electronics, material and technology laboratory services, in addition to data services, and international cooperation support.

Most Important Industries

  • Small craft – the majority of the Estonia’s craft building is located in Saaremaa, the most important companies being Baltic Workboats AS and AS Luksusjaht
  • Electronics, wiring systems and automotive OEM (rubber) – these are the largest exporting industries, the important companies being Enerpoint Saare OÜ, Ionix Systems OÜ, OÜ Merinvest and Trelleborg Industrial Products Estonia OÜ.
  • Food - local raw materials ensure a high quality of products, important companies in Saaremaa being AS Saaremaa Piimatööstus (dairy), Saaremaa Lihatööstus OÜ (meat), OÜ Vettel and AS Läätsa Kalatööstus (fish)
  • Tourism - one of the most visited tourist destinations in Estonia , the most important companies being OÜ Gospa, AS Kuressaare Sanatoorium, OÜ SPA Tours and OÜ Arensburg

Saaremaa Development Center

Saaremaa Development Center belongs to the network of county development centers. We provide free of charge consultations for potential, start-up and operating companies, non-governmental organisations and local authorities.

Open hours:

Monday to Thursday: 9AM - 4PM

Friday: 9AM - 12PM


For consultation, please make an appointment in advance:



Torni street 1, Kuressaare 93812

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